
Wow! I went from no work to three jobs to juggle in a day! PTL :) Anyway, I am short on time to post today and Dian from one of my favorite sites, Grocery Shop For Free, said it all so eloquently today. So I copied it and pasted it here for you. Sorry for cheating....

KFC: No More FREE Lunch...Or Dinner
Written by Dian Farmer
Friday, 08 May 2009 07:43

So KFC has finally had it! According to their website they will not be taking the coupons for FREE meals anymore. They came up with a new plan. You take your coupon to the store and they will replace it with a form for a rain check, and for your trouble, when you receive your rain check it will come complete with a Pepsi!
I have heard stories about how out of hand this got, in case you have been in a cave somewhere, here's what happened: KFC & Oprah decided to get together on a FREE Meal Deal. They offered FREE 2 piece grilled chicken meals complete with 2 sides and a biscuit, nice! All you had to do was go to the website given, print up to 4 (bricks) coupons and presto you had a FREE meal for you and your family. Well, very quickly the website with the coupon became overwhelmed and people were complaining about not being able to get in and print their coupons. So, an (ex from what I hear) employee decided in their infinite wisdom to put up a pdf file of the coupon. What that means is NO LIMIT! Not only could you now print more than 4, you could also print past the time frame originally allowed for the coupon, which was I believe 24 hours. So, now you had millions of people with access to unlimited printings of these coupons for FREE meals. I heard about people selling coupons in the parking lot, car wrecks in front of the stores, 30 minute waits, stores running out of grilled chicken and replacing it with fried. There was a report that in one store a small riot occurred while everyone was yelling at the Manager, because, despite the fact they could see that there was grilled chicken behind the register he told them the promotion was over for the day and to go home. Another report states that people held a "sit-in" and the paying people were forced to either "cross the line" or go home empty-handed, and the manager ran from the store screaming!!
Bottom line: Turn in your coupons for rain checks.
Click here to watch a video from the President of KFC.
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